For over 25 years, we have been recruiting patients to study risk factors and predictors of cardiometabolic and other diseasesProspective patient studiesRead more
Large biobanks and own molecular laboratory for analysis and validation of new biomarkersBiomarker discoveryRead more
Working with cell lines to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying obesity-related and other diseasesBasic researchRead more
Our efforts have generated extensive databases that form the foundation for advanced statistical analysesAdvanced data analyticsRead more

VIVIT – Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment

The Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment, in short VIVIT, is a scientific institute primarily dedicated to the research and treatment of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and arteriosclerosis. Additionally, VIVIT places a significant focus on the study of kidney and cancer diseases.

The VIVIT’s team comprises around 20 life sciences specialists with a background in medicine and natural sciences who joined forces to tackle questions in diabetology, lipidology, cardiology, nephrology, oncology, and molecular biology in an interdisciplinary fashion.

The team authored more than 500 publications in scientific journals and covered a broad range of topics from basic research all the way to clinical applications.

Facts and Figures

20 Staff
25 Years of Expertise
500 Published Papers
3,000 Academic Study Patients